New President Phil

Phil Armstrong, a Scot Rail manager and ex Submariner, is congratulated by Andrew Sutherland ( right ) the Lions Club District Governor
( UK North ) on being elected the President of the Helensburgh Lions Club.
Phil is currently organising the popular annual Senior Citizens Autumn Tea and formulating plans for the usual fund raising events.

Scam Warning

If you receive a message through Facebook or Facebook Messenger which seems to come from someone you know telling you about getting a grant from Lions Club International Empowerment Fund and you only need to pay an admin fee to apply (approx £1000), this is a SCAM and nothing to do with Lionsclubs International. Please report any approaches to Facebook Fraud and the Police

Charter Night

Helensburgh Lions Club was Chartered ( formed ) in February 1964 and is therefore the oldest serving Club in Scotland.
In June 2019 the Club celebrated its 55th year of service with a dinner at Helensburgh Golf Club attended by members and friends.
Vice President Phil Armstrong proposed a toast to the continued success of the Club

Well Come Inn

Club member Graham Henderson visits the Well Come In – Helensburgh Community Recovery Cafe to present a cheque for £500.

The Cafe opened in 2016 and provides a weekly cafe with access to therapies, information, activities, peer led recovery and food.

2019 Golf Competition

Morning showers gave way to sunshine for the annual Helensburgh Lions Club Golf Day on the 6th June.   Helensburgh Golf Club generously hosted the event and 162 golfers enjoyed the challenges of the course, which was presented in superb condition by Course Manager Robert Bacon and his enthusiastic team.

The delighted prize winners at the Helensburgh Golf Club annual Golf Day. Ollie Sloan the son of the captain of the winning team proudly holds the winners trophy.

The competition was dominated by teams from Helensburgh Golf Club.  The winners “Oooft” consisting of Neil Sloan, Andy Carson and John Boult who returned a fantastic score of 52 points.
Craig Stirling and Cameron Stirling with 51 points were in second place and previous winners “El Toros” Dominic Taylor, Shey Donald and Craig Bonthrone took third place with 49 points.
Two teams returned 48 points,  “The 3 Amigos” Lou Carrier, John McMillan and Andy Bennet took fourth place by virtue of a better inward half edging out “Old Bones”  Mike Bone, Tom Glendining and Eddie Somerville.   In sixth place with 47 points were “Coast” Ian Irving, David McCubbin and Dave Jennings.
Two teams with 46 points concluded the prize slots “Shepherds Shankers” Keith Baird, Alistair Cairns and Garry Shepherd and a team from Dumbarton Golf Club consisting of Graham Porter, Alistair Bateman and Keith Tait.
The prize for the best Ladies Team was as usual keenly fought, the eventual winners with 45 points were “Last minute booking” Carol Bell, Anita McClaren and Carol Bews.
For the first time in the 29 year history of the Lions competition the same player won the  longest drive on the 8th and 18th hole. Big hitting Helensburgh Golf Club member Dan Beatson completed this unique double.
The prizes for the nearest the pin on the Par 3’s were won by Shey Donald 3rd hole, Barry Kelly 9th hole, Yuen Hawes 11 hole, the nearest on the 16th hole was Neil Sloan.
Before the presentations of prizes Helensburgh Lions Club Vice President Phil Armstrong thanked the Captain and members of the Golf Club for the use of the course and the PGA professional Fraser Hall for his generous help. He thanked all the sponsors and the participants for their much appreciated support.
He praised the caterers and thanked the bar staff for their hard work. He then presented bar manager Nicola Scott with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for all the help she has provided at Lions events over the years.
He thanked Lions Club Convenor Don MacDonald for again organising the event so well.  Later in the evening Don was delighted to confirm that the Golf Day had raised well over £3100 for Lions Clubs funds.

Senior Citizens Lunch 2019

The annual Lions Club Senior Citizens lunch was held at the beginning of March at Helensburgh Golf Club. A delicious three course lunch was enjoyed by the 71 guests who attended the lunch.
Lions members and helpers served a range of drinks during the afternoon which concluded with entertainment by Beth Street and Streetwise.
The Lions Club President Graham Henderson thanked the members of the Golf Club for offering their facilities and Bryan Burch for the catering he thanked Nicola and her team for setting up the room and operating the bar.
The Lions Club are currently organising an Easter Egg raffle to help fund their annual Summer tea

Spring 2018 Senior Citizens Lunch

The 64 senior citizens attending the Helensburgh Lions Club spring event enjoyed sunshine and wonderful views over the Clyde at the annual lunch at Helensburgh Golf Club.   Had the lunch been a week later the deep snow would have probably led to cancellation.

The Golf Clubs chef Nic prepared a delicious three course meal and was thanked by an ovation from the diners. Nicola and her team ran the bar with their usual efficiency keeping a variety of drinks flowing.

After lunch Beth Street and Streetwise provided fantastic entertainment, we think the rousing singing of Flower of Scotland encouraged Scotland to victory at Murrayfield later in the afternoon.

The Lions Club would like to thank the members of the Golf Club for their ongoing support, the Lions are currently fund raising with their Easter Egg raffle which is located at various locations in the town.

Christmas Awards 2017

Key, who provide personalised support and housing solutions for people with disabilities and long term conditions, currently run a very popular Boccia Club and an Art Group, both groups have received some assistance from Helensburgh Lions Club in the past.Soon they will offer Tai Chi classes and the Lions Club are pleased to provide some initial finance through our annual Christmas Awards.

Also this Christmas the Lions Club has recognised the amazing contribution made by other groups to the local community – Helensburgh Lunch Club, The Stroke Club, Vale of Leven Fruin Ward patients, Helensburgh Round Table and Helensburgh Foodbank received donations totalling £1800.

Riding for the Disabled

Members of Helensburgh Lions Club recently visited Colgrain Stables to meet some volunteers of Gareloch Riding for the Disabled.

Brian Stephenson of the Lions Club was shown round the excellent facilities by the RDA volunteer fund raiser Ian Ward who thanked the Club for their interest and advised “that the Group rely on the continued generosity of local groups to support us financially. We also rely on our wonderful volunteers to assist with the running the riding sessions”.

Anyone who would like to know more about this very worthwhile organisation should get in touch via

After a pleasant hour meeting the horses Graham Henderson presented a cheque for £475 to Louise Warrall, another of the volunteers, to cover the cost of urgently needed special riding stirrups and associated tack.

Ritz Afternoon Tea

Helensburgh Lions Club held their annual Senior Citizens tea in the United Reform Church Hall.

A break in the weather encouraged 62 people join the Lions for a “Ritz” style tea.

The excellent food was prepared by Anna and Michael Curley of the Deli in the Square and was served by a group of lady volunteers and Lions Club members.

The Club would like to thank Frank Murray and Hamish Williamson who played the piano to accompany the tea.

The Lions Club are hoping to host their usual Senior Citizens lunch in the New Year.