Club presents £750 to three worthwhile causes

Following presentations to the Helensburgh Lions Club members about the activities of their respective organisations the Club were pleased to present cheques for £250 to help them with their valuable work.

Club members called in at Alzheimers Scotland Dementia Resource Centre in Helensburgh to hand over the cheque to Victoria MacLeod, the local manager.

Cheques were also sent to Marie Curie to help them expand the service to the local community and also to Mzuzu Lions Club in Malawi to assist their health care and education agenda.

Parklands School Award

Following a request from Julia Ward, a parent of a child at Parklands School, for assistance in purchasing specially designed tablets for use in the school Helensburgh Lions decided that rather than help we would buy all six tablets.

The Lions Club were delighted that Mia Ward, a pupil at Parklands School, and her mum Julia, Treasurer of the school Parent Council, came to the golf day to accept a cheque for £3594.  The money will be used to purchase six – Inclusive ClassMate with iSwitch -educational tablets which include special software and in particular facilities for use by the physically disabled.

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Golf Day 2017

Helensburgh Lions Club held their annual Golf Day at Helensburgh Golf Club on 1st June when a record entry of 55 teams filled the schedule. The generosity of the Sponsors and the participants raised £2841 for the Lions Club charity funds.

Despite poor weather the course held up remarkably well and produced some excellent scores.

The winners with 50 Stableford points were “And in Last Place” Helensburgh members Tommy Darroch, Michael McKechnie and Carrick member Jim Hodge.

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