Alzheimer Scotland’s Helensburgh Resource Centre

The Lions Club President Don MacDonald, who was accompanied by long serving Lions Tom Dunn and Graham Henderson, visited Alzheimer Scotland’s Helensburgh/Brain Health & Dementia Resource Centre on West Princes Street.
They were there to meet Anne-Marie King the Centre Manager and some of the team to present a cheque for £2000. The money will be used to purchase garden furniture for their allotment in Hermitage Park and provide various electronic devices for use in the Centre.

Lions Golf Day 2024

Ladies win major prizes at Helensburgh Lions Club annual Golf Day

Alison Ram, Shona Bulloch and Denise Donald the Competition Winners with Don MacDonald Lions Club President. To the right – Dorothy Mickel and one of her partners Carol Bell winners of the Geoff Brewster Quiach for the best all Helensburgh GC team

The annual Helensburgh Lions Club golf day was held on Thursday 6 June in mainly dry but blustery weather.   Over 150 players from around the West of Scotland took up the challenge.

Teams from the Ladies section stepped up to the mark and secured the major prizes.

In first place, by having the best inward half, with 48 points were “The Beautiful Ladies”- Denise Donald, Shona Bulloch and Alison Ram.

 In second place also with 48 points came “El Toros” – Dominic Taylor, Nial Nowrocki and Patrick Scullion.

Third spot was taken by “2 Jambo’s plus 1” – Bill Lawler, Chris Lawler and Andrew Murray with 47 points ( BIH ) . 

“The Chicks with Sticks” – Carol Bell, Dorothy Mickel and Rona Marshall came fourth and also won the coveted Geoff Brewster Quiach as the best team comprised of solely members from Helensburgh GC.

“The Donald Boys” – Andy Donald, Shey Donald and Stephen Donald took the fifth prize.

A number of teams returned 46 points “ BaJuSh” – June Haggarty Babs Robinson and Shirley Monaghan took the sixth spot with seventh going to “ Golf Buddies”- Phil English, Jim McKenzie and Alex Haggarty.

Big hitters secured the prizes for the longest drives. On the 8th hole Declan Baxter won and on the 18th hole Dominic Taylor was successful.

Some fantastic iron play was required to win nearest the pin on the short holes – Michael McKecknie on the 3rd, Chris Lawler on the 9th and George Ather on the 11th. 

Hammy Parker played a superb stroke to be within 6 inches of the pin to win on the 16th hole.

Lions Club secretary Mel Newton thanked Helensburgh Golf Club for generously making the course available for the fundraiser which this year raised £3556 which will be spent within the local community.  

He also thanked the sponsors for their donations and the players for their generosity throughout the day,  the ladies section who manned the check in desks and 11th tee hospitality.  He also expressed  the Lions Club thanks to  Jonny Cleland and his team for presenting the course in such great condition, Sandra and Justine for providing the hospitality and Club Professional Fraser Hall for his continued support and advice.

G84 Junior Netball Cub

Last night, the club was delighted to receive a visit from Philip Armstrong and Don MacDonald of the Helensburgh Lions Club.

The Lions Club presented the club with a cheque for £570 to go towards new equipment for our U13/15/17s strength and conditioning sessions next season.

G84 is very grateful to the Lions Club for contributing to the club. They do a fantastic job in the community, supporting many different clubs and groups.

The equipment we will purchase is from Crazy Catch – two Pro Double Trouble and two Freestyle. We hope to make the best use of our new equipment to help our players develop their fitness and netball skillsAgain, many thanks to the Helensburgh Lions Club!

Team G84

Easter Egg Raffle

Our annual Easter Egg Raffle is underway

Since the Easter Egg raffle last year these are some of the things we have supported

£300. Helensburgh Scouts – supply of 2 Trolleys to transport new camping equipment

£1500. Upgraded pagers for Loch Lomond Rescue Boat

£740 Set of 7 Books on Environmental Issues to 12 Local Primary Schools

£500. Helensburgh Festive Lighting Group

£300. RBS – appeal for toys for local schoolchildren

£300. Enable – purchase of Pantomime Tickets for Service Users

Helensburgh RNLI Lifeboat

Helensburgh’s Lions Club paid a visit to the Helensburgh’s lifeboat station on Sunday to hand over
a generous donation to the crew as they were preparing to launch for training..

Don Macdonald,President and Mel Newton, Secretary of the Lions Club and Ian McDougall visited the station to meet the crew and present a cheque for £500.

Don Macdonald “We are delighted to be able to support the Helensburgh Lifeboat station. Every year we donate to several community organsiations. The RNLI provide an invaluable service to the local community by saving lives at sea.”

The Lions Club raises money throughout the year by holding events such as  golf days, an easter egg raffle and race nights. They raise money to help others and support good causes in Helensburgh. Every year they provide a lunch for the elderly and an afternoon tea and donate to community organisations

The club has also donated to the Helensburgh and Lomond Foodbank, Kirkmichael Community Group and the Helensburgh Lunch Club.

Howard Morrison said, “We are very grateful for your donation. We would not be able to provide our service without the generous support of the local community. So thank you on behalf of Helensburgh’s lifeboat station and the crew.”

Helensburgh Lions Golf Day 2023

HOME advantage counted for the winning trio in the Helensburgh Lions Club’s annual golf day at Helensburgh Golf Club.

A full field of 156 golfers, from many clubs in the west of Scotland, converged on Helensburgh Golf Club to be greeted by fine weather and a course in tiptop condition/ Helensburgh’s own ‘Waddell Winkers’ – Murray Waddell, Mick Massey and David Hogg – won first prize with an amazing 52 points, with the ‘Stirling’ team of Abby Stirling, Stewart Fraser and Dougie Stewart second, also on 52 points.

Four teams secured 51 points, and after a countback it was ‘Reid’s Rovers’, Colin Reid, David Graham and John Friel, who took third place.

The ‘DCF’ team of John Gallagher, Billy Greene and Peter Mundie were placed fourth, with David Tolhurst, John Graham and Bruce Mill – the ‘Eagle Hunters’ – in fifth and ‘Three Balls, One Couple’ – Alan Bernie, Graham Proud and Mark Bernie – finishing sixth.

Seventh place went to ‘The Trusty Trio’ of Jack Sangster, Craig Petro and Caleb Phipps on 48 points.

The ladies’ prize was won by ‘We Can Dream’, Esme McRae, Ann Barty and Marion Wharry.

The dry conditions produced some monster long drives, with Alan Bernie’s effort the longest on the eighth hole and Andy McPherson’s the best on the 18th.

A great tee shot to within 50 centimetres of the flag secured Shirley Monaghan the nearest-the-pin prize at the third hole, with Jack Sangster securing the same prize at the ninth, Paul Devlin at the 11th and Mark Bernie at the 16th.

Graham Henderson of the Lions Club thanked the Golf Club for use of the course and the supporters who contributed prizes and sponsored holes, club professional Fraser Hall for his considerable help, and Johnny Cleland and his team for preparing the course; he also thanked Justin Thomas and the bar team.

A special mention was given to a group of Helensburgh Golf Club lady members who operated the check-in desk and calculated handicaps, and to others who looked after the hospitality tent on the 12th

Lions Golf Day

After a break of two years Helensburgh Lions Club held their regular Golf Day at Helensburgh Golf Club on the Queens Platinium Jubilee day the 2nd of June 2022

Golfers from many clubs in the West of Scotland joined Helensburgh Club members to raise money for the Lions Club funds

A field of 156 players enjoyed perfect golfing weather, warm sunshine and little breeze. The superb condition of the course was praised by many of the visitors, one saying that he felt the greens were better than Gleneagles where he had played a few days earlier.

The competition was fierce and Helensburgh Golf Club members featured well in the prize list. The popular winning team “No Chance” comprised of a Golf Club Captain David Lutwyche the Golf Club Chairman Malcolm Hyatt together with club member Alan Armstrong. They recorded an incredible 54 Stableford points.  In  addition to winning the competition and they also won the Geoff Brewster Trophy for the best score by a team made up of Helensburgh Golf Club members.

In second place one point behind the winners on 53 points were team “Stirling” – Craig Stirling, Yuen Hawes and Dougie Stewart.  

In third place came “Reids Rovers” – Colin Reid, John Friel and David Graham.

Alan Bernie, Mark Bernie and Evan Fraser – “Three balls and one cup” , who also won the prize for the best score on the par-3 holes,  we’re in fourth place.

Team “Bobby Cawley FP1” – Willie Robertson, Murdo McLeod and Connor Jennings took fifth place followed by Team  “Roy of the Rovers” Roy Nesbitt, James Mitchell and Bob Berry won the sixth prize 

Team “Babs’ Babes” consisting of June Haggarty, Babs Robertson and Margaret Moir just missed out on sixth prize on count back, however they received the prize for the Best Ladies Team.

On the four Par 3 holes excellent tee shots secured prizes for,  Colin Craig – 3rd hole , Abby Stirling – 9th hole,  Lee McGill – 11th hole and Stuart Kiel – 16th hole .

The Longest Drives  on the 8th and 18 holes claimed prizes for Jim Hodge and Michael McKechnie.

Don MacDonald, Helensburgh Lions Club President, who had organised the golf day,

thanked Helensburgh Golf Club and members for allowing the use of their course and their unwavering support of the Lions Club.  

He thanked Justine and the bar staff and catering staff for their help on the day and  the club professional Fraser Hall and the course manager John Cleland for their assistance during the event.

He thanked all the sponsors for their generosity and the players who loyally support the day. He was able to advise that a fabulous £3440 was raised for Helensburgh Lions Club funds the vast majority of which will support initiatives in the local community.

Christmas Awards 2019

Lions President Phil Armstrong presenting a cheque for £500 to members of the G84 Netball Group to support an initiative to encourage young people to play netball.

Club member Don McDonald also presented a cheque for £500 to John Hanks Treasurer of the Helensburgh Lunch Club which provides regular lunches for senior citizens

A similar amount was given to Parklands School to help fund a trip to the cinema for children and parents and a visit to the school by a Pantomime show.

We also donated to the Helensburgh Food Bank.

The total £2100 donated also included £100 to fund the purchase of Christmas presents for children in the cancer ward at Glasgow Children’s Hospital (Yorkhill) through the Laura Crane Cancer Trust

Christmas Tree Festival

United Reform Church – Christmas Tree Festival

The Lions Club have supported the annual Tree Festival since its inception. Over 40 local organisations decorate trees in the Church which provides musical entertainment during the week before Christmas. All donations are presented each year to a variety of charities.

Lions Club members Mel Newton and Don McDonald stand proudly in front of the tree they have just decorated.

Senior Citizens Afternoon Tea

The annual Senior Citizens Tea was held at the United Reform Church hall on Friday 25 October. Of the 110 people invited 68 were able to attend and enjoyed a delicious “Ritz” style tea created by Deli in the Square and served by Lions Club members and ladies.
The guests enjoyed a medley of popular music kindly performed by Archie Westwood.